Choosing Modern Rugs for Your Living Room

If revitalizing your living room is on your to-do list this summer, you can’t underestimate the ability of a good area rug to transform a space. Living rooms play a much less formal role in the home than in the past, and modern rugs reflect this modern style of living. Whether you like bright colors, bold patterns, cozy fabrics, or all of the above, we have a rug that will go perfectly with your personal style.

Here are some tips and suggestions for choosing modern rugs for your living room.

Size Options

The first thing to think about is size. If you opt for an area rug over wall-to-wall carpet, you have to make sure you purchase the correct size. Area rugs typically come in four standard sizes: 6x9, 8x10, 9x12, and 10x14 feet. We also offer custom rugs at Rug Depot if none of those sizes is the right fit for your living room. When placing the rug, you should have about 4 to 8 inches of bare floor around the rug. You also want all the legs of your furniture to be on the rug. An uneven surface will make your furniture wobbly and make the room feel unfinished on unbalanced.

Colors and Patterns

There are many colors and patterns you can choose, depending on your tastes and lifestyle. If your living room is bright and colorful, choose one or two colors from your decor to match the rug. If you have kids and spills and stains are part of your life, darker colors and patterns are good at hiding those. There’s also nothing wrong with a solid neutral color to act as a blank canvas for your personal style.

Materials and Textures

The material and texture of your rug are just as important as the color and pattern. Wool is one of the most common materials. It is a natural fiber that can be stain-resistant, and the fibers bounce back after compression.  Synthetic fibers like nylon and polyester are also popular as they resist staining and fading and are easy to clean. Flat, woven cotton rugs are an option that give off a casual, comfortable, and modern feel. For added texture and softness, you can also put an area rug on wall-to-wall carpet.

At Rug Depot, we have traditional and modern rugs for every home and style. Contact us to learn more about our available options.

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