green area rug

Choosing the ideal area rug for your home involves more than preferences.  Of course, your taste matters, but there are other elements at hand as well.  For example, color is an excellent starting point. Sure, you need to consider the colors that speak to you, but also which colors will fit with your current style. Choosing a green area rug sets a much different tone than an ivory area rug will provide.  The color you ultimately choose will set the tone for the entire room.  So, as you can see, color is a very important decision!



Take a look at your furniture

Chances are, you’re not in the market to buy new furniture.  So, considering your current furniture is the first step in choosing the ideal color for your area rug.  The last thing you need is to blindly choose an area rug that speaks to you aesthetically, but clashes with your décor.  For instance, a solid light green area rug will most likely match both light and dark solid furniture.  However, a dark green area rug may clash with darker colored furniture – depending on the overall look and feel of the room.


custom rugs NH


What type of flooring and wall pattern are in the room?

Besides the furniture, your floors and walls are another consideration.  Wood and tiled floors are generally easier than carpeted flooring.  Similarly, solid painted walls are easier matched than wallpapered ones. As a rule of thumb, busy patterns are best matched with solid colored area rugs.



The illusion of space

Another factor to consider is the size of your room.  If you have a smaller area that you’re considering adding an area rug, color certainly matters.  Using lighter colors provides the illusion of visually expanding the space at hand. On the other hand, darker colors tend to close a space in.



Other considerations

Along with color, there are other factors to consider when choosing the right area rug for your home.  For example, placing an area rug of the incorrect size can make a room seem much smaller than it actually is. Rugs, often, are too small making the room look awkward. Like color, there are several factors that go into choosing the right size rug for the space at hand. Other elements such as choosing the right type of fiber to the pattern are also considerations.



 green area rugs



At Rug Depot Home, we have a large selection from solid green area rugs to European stair runners.  No matter what the need or requirement may be, our team is here to help you achieve the best possible look and feel for your room.  Visit our online showroom today for more information and ideas of what our company can do for you!